This page was exported from Exam for engine [ ] Export date:Tue Feb 18 23:07:56 2025 / +0000 GMT ___________________________________________________ Title: New 2022 Realistic 1Z0-1071-21 Dumps Test Engine Exam Questions in here [Q35-Q51] --------------------------------------------------- New 2022 Realistic 1Z0-1071-21 Dumps Test Engine Exam Questions in here Updated Official licence for 1Z0-1071-21 Certified by 1Z0-1071-21 Dumps PDF Oracle 1Z0-1071-21 Exam Syllabus Topics: TopicDetailsTopic 1Handle errors in Conversation Design Resolve Entities in Dialog FlowsTopic 2(New)Digital Assistant and Skills Backend Integration and ChannelsTopic 3Implement Testing, Platform Versions and Best Practices Oracle Digital Assistant EssentialsTopic 4Tune Routing Behavior and limit the frequency of Prompts Explain architecture of Oracle Digital AssistantTopic 5Create, Build and Implement a Custom Component and Embedded Container Service Describe Plan and Personality in Conversation Design   NEW QUESTION 35Within your digital assistant, you notice that the user input “tell me my balance” immediately initiates the Banking skill. However, it does not offer the user the option to consider that the request could be handled by the Retail skill, which also offers the ability to check the balance in your retail account.How should you ensure that both the banking and retail skills are considered in this case?  Raise the Candidate Skills Confidence Threshold in the digital assistant.  Lower the Confidence Threshold in the Retail skill.  Lower the Candidate Skills Confidence Threshold in the digital assistant.  Lower the Confidence Threshold in the Banking skill. NEW QUESTION 36An input component references an entity-type variable from its variable property and does not have the maxPrompts property set. Which two statements describe valid options to help users deal with validation errors?  You can use the alternatePrompt property for user input components to display alternative prompts.  You can use the onlnvaliduserlnput property on the System.commonResponse component to conditionally show or hide UI controls.  You can use the system. invaliduserinput?booiean expression to detect a previously failed input validation and display alternative prompts or additional UI controls.  You can use the user input component’s textReceived action transition to detect validation errors and to navigate to a state in the dialog flow.  You can use the user input component’s cancel action transition to navigate to a different state in the dialog flow, display a help message to the user, and navigate back into the dialog flow state that previously failed input validation. NEW QUESTION 37Which statement is true regarding the digital assistant’s Help system intent?  You can define utterances that the digital assistant willrecognize when the user is asking for help.  The help intent cannot route the conversation to a specific state within a skill.  The utterances for the help intent are predefined and cannot be changed.  If the digital assistant recognizes the user isasking for help, it will automatically route the conversation to a skill called “Help”. NEW QUESTION 38Which two features of Oracle Digital Assistant should you use to allow a skill to specifically classify the user message “What’s my balance in savings?” and to identify the type of account?  an entity that defines account types (with values such as “checking” or “savings”)  an intent that is been trained with utterances such as “check balance”, “What is my current balance?”, and “How much money do I have?”  an input form rendered by a webview that is hosted within a Digital Assistant  dialog flows with a system.Text component to read the user input  a resource bundle populated with phrases such as “check balance”, “What is my current balance?”, and“How much money do I have?” NEW QUESTION 39Whichthreeoptions aretrueforthis dialogflowcode?  The code is poorly programmed because the accountType variable will be set twice.  The system.List component always displays a list of options, regardless of the value of accountType.  If System.SetVariablesets accountType to a value, the System.List component does not display a list of options.  Usage of empty transitions is a bad practice because it can lead to unexpected results.  If no accountType value is set in the startBalances state, the DialogEngine moves to the next state, askBalancesAccountType, which lists options for different account types. NEW QUESTION 40You have been asked to make recommendations to a customer on the value of having a catalogue of test phrases that you can use for batch testing intents.Which statement is the recommendation you would NOT make?  Batch testing allows you to have a baseline of phrases to test against, so you can demonstrate whether your skill is resolving intents more accurately over time.  Batch testing allows you to confirm that any changes you make to the intent utterances do not inadvertently change other intent resolutions.  Batch testing allows you to test every combination of conversation through your dialog flow.  Having a baseline test allows you to determinewhether your intent resolution is still functioning within expected limits given any updates to your service. NEW QUESTION 41Which two components can be used in combination with composite bag entities to auto-generate skill responsesand flows from definitions saved in bag items?  System.ResolveEntities  System.Text  System.MatchEntity  System.CommonResponse  System.List Explanation QUESTION 42Forlive-agenttransfer,you wantthebot-user conversation historyto becomeavailableto the humanagentthat theconversation istransferredto.Howdoyoumakethisconversationhistoryavailable?  Inthe skillsettings,either switch EnableInsights to On orswitch SkillConversation to On,depending on theDigital Assistant version.  Thisiscontrolled from OracleServiceCloud and hastobe turnedonbysetting acustomproperty.  Setacustompropertyon the OracleServiceCloudinstancethat’s accessedbyOracleDigitalAssistant.  SettheconvHistorypropertyinthesystem.Agentinitiationcomponent. NEW QUESTION 43WhenyouconfigureanapplicationinOracle Identity CloudServiceto be consumed byOracleDigitalAssistantforthesystem.OAuth2AccountLinkcomponent, whydoyouneedtohave the RefreshTokengrantselected?  TheRefreshTokengrant ensuresthatuserswillneverhaveto sign in tothe skillagainaftertheir initial login.  B.Youneedarefreshtoken toforceasuccessfullogoutof theloggedin user.  The RefreshTokengrantensures that theSystem.OAuth2Accountlinkcomponentcan refresh anexpiredaccesstokenautomaticallybecause theaccesstoken hasamuch shorter lifespan than the refresh token.  The RefreshTokengrant ensuresthatafresh access tokenisretrievedevenifa user’spasswordin Oracle IdentityCloudServicehaschanged,thusensuringtheuseruninterruptedaccess. NEW QUESTION 44Youhavea usecasethat calls foruserstoenteraseriesofcomplexvalues.What wouldyoudoto ensurethatusers enterthese values correctly with the least effort?  Create a compositebagentityfor thetypesofvalues,and then adda regexentity tohandlevalidation.  Use asystem.commonResponsecomponenttoaggregateand validateuserinput.  Createa webviewservicewhichconnectsthe skilltoa webappthat renders as a form andprovidesfeatures such asinputvalidation andoptionbuttons.  Createa dedicated skillforcollecting and validatinginputandpairitwith a skillforprocessingthe validatedinput. NEW QUESTION 45Imagine that you have a financial planning skill. Which two functionalities would typically be implemented as a custom component?  displaying any type of input component  routing the dialog flow based on values returned from a backend service  returning the current value of a requested stock price in a skill message  running the skill within a webpage  routing to another skill within the suite of skills assembled within a digital assistant NEW QUESTION 46What is the error message ”Your session appears to be in an infinite loop” usually caused by?  a missing keepTurn = true entry in the dialog flow  a component in a dialog flow state that references a variable that has a value set while the dialog flow state continues to transition  a problem with the Digital Assistant tenant  a problem with acustom component that is referenced in your dialog flow NEW QUESTION 47Select the FALSE statement regarding Oracle’s recommendation for defining your bot’s personality and conversational design.  You should hide from users the fact that they are communicating with a bot and give them the impression that it’s a human they are interacting with.  You should consider naming your bot and using an appropriate avatar.  Your bot should have a personathat matches that of your target audience.  Words carry emotions and you should carefully consider verbiage and tone in your dialog responses. NEW QUESTION 48Oracle Digital Assistant supports several messenger-specific channel types, such as iOS, Android, Web, and Facebook. If your messenger client is not supported, what is the simplest way to connect your skill or digital assistant to the client?  Use a custom component to extend a supported channel type.  Implement the channel using a Webhook.  You can’t connect to a unsupported messenger client. You canonly connect channels to the supported clients.  Ensure that your skill only outputs text and not Images or visual components such as cards. Then use the standard Web channel, which you can use for text-only conversations. NEW QUESTION 49To translate output messages, you created a resource bundle in your skill. Theresource bundle contains an orderConfirmation key with the following message:Thanks {0} for your order. Your order of a {1} is no its way.In your dialog flow, you have a variable rb of type resourcesBundle defined. In additional, you defined a variable pizzaType holding the type of the pizza (for example, Salami) and a variable pizzaSize holding the size of the Pizza ( for example , large).A)B)C)D)  Option A  Option B  Option C  Option D NEW QUESTION 50You are advised to implement an 80/20split with training and test utterances. This means that 80% of new utterances harvested from the conversation logs should be used as intent training utterances and 20% for testing.Why is this a good practice?  Adding 100% of user phrases to the intentwould overload the model.  Batch testing works more efficiently when there is a ratio of one test utterance for every five training utterances.  By performing an 80/20 split, you are randomizing which data is added to the utterances.  By keeping 20%for testing, you are able to test the model with data on which it has not been specifically trained. NEW QUESTION 51Which statement is FALSE regarding out-of-order messages?  Out-of-order messages are not handled by default. Designers must define out-of-order message handlers at the skill level.  Dialog flow navigation continues with the state referenced in the out-of-order-message action.  Chatbots don’t control the user’s input and, therefore, cannot prevent users from selecting out-of-scope actions.  Out-of-order messages occur when a user scroll the conversation history displayed in the messenger client and selects that is no longer in scope for the current conversation.  Loading … Grab latest Oracle 1Z0-1071-21 Dumps as PDF Updated: --------------------------------------------------- Images: --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Post date: 2022-06-05 09:44:13 Post date GMT: 2022-06-05 09:44:13 Post modified date: 2022-06-05 09:44:13 Post modified date GMT: 2022-06-05 09:44:13