Q35. Scenario:
The entire network consists of the following activities and relationships. Activity A is twenty days long and is tied to Activity B, a ten-day activity, with a finish-to-finish tie with a lag value of five Activity B is tied to Activity C, a twenty-day activity, with a start-to-start relationship with a lag value of five.

PSP Activities Table
Scope Known about Rock-Filled Dam Project:
The dam requires river diversion and work over two or more rainy seasons. The contract is lump sum, competitively bid, and will be self-performed. The owner has attempted to shift all risk to the contractor by employing “no differing sit conditions” and “no damage for delay” clauses. There is a bonus/penalty provision of $2,500 per calendar day for early or late delivery. The early completion bonus is capped at $500,000, with no cap for late delivery penalty.
Liquidated damages end at the finish of demobilization. Indirect costs per calendar day are $2,800 for the
“normal” schedule and $3,200 for the “crashed” schedule. The winter/wet weather season is 151 days between October 15 and March 25 of each year, reduces the efficiency of the contractor’s operations by 20% and costs the contractor $10,000 per day. Assume a start date of March 5, 2001 and use a 7-day work week.
The following table lists work activities as planned by the contractor.

Theoretically construct a summary activity for only those activities with a finish-to-start relationship for Activities 8001 through 10001. Using the “normal” schedule, what is the cost of this hammock?